In preparation
C.C. Dacso, A.C. Antoulas, B.W. O’Malley, R. Baraniuk, B. Zhu, Mathematical aspects of
gene transcription, to be submitted to J. of Mathematical Biosciences.
C.C. Dacso, A.C. Antoulas, B.W. O’Malley, R. Baraniuk, B. Zhu, Biological aspects of gene
transcription, to be submitted to Nature.
S. Gugercin, C.A. Beattie, A.C. Antoulas; Data-driven and interpolatory model reduction,
Book in preparation, SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Philadelphia
J. Korvink and A.C. Antoulas, Data-Dtiven Model Order Reduction for Magnetic Resonance.
1. The Loewner framework and transfer functions of singular/rectangular systems, AC Antoulas, Applied Mathematics Letters 54, 36-47, 2016.
2. Data-driven model reduction for weakly nonlinear systems: A summary, AC Antoulas, IV Gosea, IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (1), 3-4, 2015.
3. The Loewner framework and transfer functions of singular/rectangular systems, AC Antoulas, Applied Mathematics Letters 2015
4. Model reduction of linear and nonlinear systems in the Loewner framework: A summary IV Gosea, AC Antoulas Control Conference (ECC), 2015 European, 345-349, 2015.
5. Model Order Reduction: Methods, Concepts and Properties, Athanasios C Antoulas, Roxana Ionutiu, Nelson Martins, E JanWter Maten, Kasra Mohaghegh, Roland Pulch, Joost Rommes, Maryam Saadvandi, Michael Striebel, Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics, 159-265, 2015.
6. A duality perspective on Loewner rational interpolation and state-space modelling of vector-exponential trajectories, P Rapisarda, AC Antoulas, 2015.
7. Bilinear dierential forms and the Loewner framework for rational interpolation, P Rapisarda, AC Antoulas, Mathematical Control Theory II, 23-43, 2015. Citations 1
8. Data-driven parametrized model reduction in the Loewner framework, AC Ionita, AC Antoulas, SIAM Journal on Scientic Computing 36 (3), A984-A1007, 2014. Citations 9
9. Case study: Parametrized reduction using reduced-basis and the Loewner framework, AC Ionita, AC Antoulas, Reduced Order Methods for Modeling and Computational Reduction, 51-66, 2014. Citations 1
10. An a posteriori error bound for reduced order modeling of micro-and nano-electrical (-mechanical) systems, L Feng, P Benner, AC Antoulas, SCEE-2014 (Scientic Computing in Electrical Engineering), Wuppertal SCEE-2014 (Scientic Computing in Electrical Engineering), Wuppertal, Germany, Pages 2014-28, 2014. Citations 1
11. On the Approximation of Hankel matrices, AC Antoulas, Operators, Systems and Linear Algebra: Three Decades of Algebraic Systems, 17 pages, 2013.
12. Interpolatory weighted-H2 model reduction, B Anic, C Beattie, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Automatica 49 (5), 1275-1280, 2013. Citations 20
13. Mathematical System Theory: the Influence of RE Kalman, 605 pages, Publication date 2013/4/17 Publisher Springer Science & Business Media, A Antoulas, 2013 Citations 39
14. On two-variable rational interpolation, AC Antoulas, AC Ionita, S Lefteriu, Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (8), 2889-2915, 2012. Citations 22
15. Matrix pencils in time and frequency domain system identication AC Ionita, AC Antoulas, Developments in Control Theory Towards Glocal Control, vol. 76, pp. 79-87, 2012. Citations 1
16. Parametric model reduction in the Loewner framework, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, AC Ionita, Preprints 18th IFAC world congr, pp. 12751-12756, vol. 2, 2011. Citations 2
17. Model Reduction of Parameter-Dependent Systems, AC Antoulas, Householder Symposium XVIII on Numerical Linear Algebra, 2011. Citations 10
18. Balanced truncation model reduction for systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions, M Heinkenschloss,T Reis, AC Antoulas, Automatica 47 (3), 559-564, 2011. Citations 12
19. Topics in model order reduction with applications to circuit simulation, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, Model Reduction for Circuit Simulation, 85-107 4, 2011.
20. Parametric model order reduction from measurements, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, AC Ionita, 19th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, 2010. Citations 3
21. A New Approach to Passivity Preserving Model Reduction: The Dominant Spectral Zero Method, R Ionutiu, J Rommes, AC Antoulas, Scientic Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008, 491-498, 2010.
22. Modeling systems based on noisy frequency and time domain measurements, S Lefteriu, AC Ionita, AC Antoulas, Perspectives in Mathematical System Theory, Control, and Signal Processing Pages 365-378, 2010. Citations 2
23. A New Adaptive Approach to Modeling Measured Multi-Port Scattering Parameters, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, Scientic Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2008, 21-28 5, 2010. Citations 5
24. A new approach to modeling multiport systems from frequency-domain data, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. Vol. 29, Issue 1, Pages 14-27, 2010. Citations 59
25. Interpolatory model reduction of large-scale dynamical systems, AC Antoulas, CA Beattie, S Gugercin, Ecient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems, 3-58, 2010. Citations 72
26. An overview of model reduction methods and a new result, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference. CDC/CCC 2009. Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Pages 5357-5361, IEEE, 2009 Citations 19
27. Modeling multi-port systems from frequency response data via tangential interpolation, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, Signal Propagation on Interconnects, 2009. SPI’09. IEEE Workshop on, 1-4, 2009. Citations 6
28. Model and controller reduction applied to structural control using passivity theory E Gildin, AC Antoulas, D Sorensen, RH Bishop, Structural Control and Health Monitoring 16 (3), 319-334, 2009. Citations 1
29. On Hankel Singular Values and Reflected Zeros of Linear Dynamical Systems, S Koshita, M Abe, M Kawamata, AC Antoulas, Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 54 (3), 641-646, 2009.
30. Passivity-preserving model reduction using dominant spectral-zero interpolation, R Ionutiu, J Rommes, AC Antoulas, Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol 27, Issue 12, Pages 2250-2263, 2008. Citations 33
31. H2 model reduction for large-scale linear dynamical systems, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, C Beattie, SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 30 (2), 609-638, 2008. Citations 256
32. On the Construction of Passive Models from Frequency Response Data (Konstruktion passover Modelle auf der Basis von Frequenzbereichsdaten), AC Antoulas, at-Automatisierungstechnik 56 (8/2008), 447-452, 2008. Citations 7
33. An educational perspective to model and controller reduction of dynamical systems, E Gildin, RH Bishop, AC Antoulas, D Sorensen, Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on, 2832-2837, 2007. Citations 3
34. Curriculum Vitae PA Fuhrmann, AC Antoulas, Linear Algebra and its Applications 425 (2), 220-225, 2007.
35. A framework for the solution of the generalized realization problem, AJ Mayo, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications, vol. 425 (2), pp. 634-662, 2007. Citations 89
36. Polplatzierung bei der Modellreduktion (On Pole Placement in Model Reduction), AC Antoulas, atAutomatisierungstechnik, vol. 55 (9), pp. 443-448, 2007. Citations 8
37. Comparison of model reduction methods with applications to circuit simulation, R Ionutiu, S Lefteriu, AC Antoulas, Scientic computing in electrical engineering, 3-24, 2007. Citations 13
38. Rational Krylov methods for optimal H2 model reduction, S Gugercin, C Beattie, AC Antoulas, submitted for publication, 2006. Citations 59
39. Model reduction of large-scale systems by least squares, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications, vol. 415 (2), pp. 290-321, 2006. Citations 45
40. An overview of approximation methods for large-scale dynamical systems, AC Antoulas, Annual reviews in Control 29 (2), 181-190, 2005. Citations 74
41. Structure preserving reduction of frequency-dependent interconnect, Q Zhou, K Mohanram, AC Antoulas, Proceedings of the 42nd annual Design Automation Conference, 939-942, 2005. Citations 1
42. Some simulation results for the Purdue buildings, AC Antoulas, E Gildin, 2005.
43. A new result on passivity preserving model reduction, AC Antoulas, Systems & Control Letters 54 (4), 361-374 , 2005. Citations 81
44. On model reduction of structured systems, DC Sorensen, AC Antoulas, Dimension Reduction of Large-Scale Systems, 117-130, 2005. Citations 29
45. Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems, AC Antoulas, SIAM 2005 Citations 1784
46. Krylov-based controller reduction for large-scale systems, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, CA Beattie, E Gildin, 43rd IEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004. Citations 8
47. Controller reduction by Krylov projection methods, CA Beattie, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, E Gildin, Proceeding of the Mathematical Theory, Network and Systems-MTNS , 2004. Citations 2
48. A survey of model reduction by balanced truncation and some new results, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, International Journal of Control 77 (8), 748-766, 2004. Citations 402
49. Workshop on Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems-Model Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems A Antoulas, D Sorensen, KA Gallivan, PV Dooren, A Grama, C Homann, … Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3036, 740-741, 2004.
50. H-innity-norm approximation, AC Antoulas, A Astol, Unsolved Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, 267, 2004. Citations 12
51. Model reduction of large-scale dynamical systems, A Antoulas, D Sorensen, Kyle A Gallivan, Paul Van Dooren, Ananth Grama, Christoph Homann, A Sameh, Computational Science-ICCS 2004, 740-747, 2004. Citations 20
52. An H2 error expression for the Lanczos procedure, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 2003. Proceedings. 42nd IEEE Conference on 2, 1869-1872, 2003. Citations 29
53. A survey of balancing methods for model reduction, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Proc. European Control Conf. ECC 3, 2003. Citations 9
54. An approach to identication for robust control, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, HP Zhang, Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 48 (6), 1109-1115, 2003. Citations 5
55. A time-limited balanced reduction method, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 5, 5250-5253, 2003. Citations 4
56. An H2 error expression for the Lanczos procedure, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas. 2003.
57. A modied low-rank Smith method for large-scale Lyapunov equations, S Gugercin, DC Sorensen, AC Antoulas, Numerical Algorithms 32 (1), 27-55, 2003. Citations 154
58. A New Approach to Model Reduction Which Preserves Stability and Passivity: An Overview, AC Antoulas, S Gugercin, Decision and Control, 2002, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on, vol. 3, Pages 2544-2545, 2002. Citations 2
59. A behavioural approach to positive real interpolation, AJ Mayo, AC Antoulas, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 8 (4), 445-455, 2002. Citations 5
60. The Sylvester equation and approximate balanced reduction, DC Sorensen, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications 351, 671-700, 2002. Citations 152
61. On the decay rate of Hankel singular values and related issues, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, Y Zhou, Systems & Control Letters 46 (5), 323-342 , 2002. Citations 147
62. The Sylvester equation and approximate balanced reduction, DC Sorensen and AC Antoulas, 2002.
63. Approximation of the International Space Station 1R and 12A models, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, N Bedrossian, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2, 1515-1516, 2001. Citations 18
64. A survey of model reduction methods for large-scale systems, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, S Gugercin, Contemporary mathematics 280, 193-220, 2001. Citations 461
65. Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems: An overview, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 11 (5), 1093-1122, 2001. Citations 278
66. Analysis of the issue of consistency in identication for robust control, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, HP Zhang, 2001.
67. Frequency domain representation and singular value decomposition, AC Antoulas, 2001. Citations 6
68. A modied low-rank Smith method for large-scale Lyapunov equations, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, S Gugercin, CAAM TR01-10, Rice University , 2001. Citations 13
69. Lyapunov, Lanczos, and inertia, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, Linear Algebra and its Applications 326 (1), 137-150, 2001. Citations 14
70. Summary of recent results on the decay rate of the Hankel singular values, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 2001. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on, vol. 4, pages 3655-3656, 2001. Citations 4
71. Structured Matrices in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering I-Part III Control Theory-A survey of model reduction methods for large-scale systems, AC Antoulas, DC Sorensen, S Gugercin, Contemporary Mathematics 280, 193 , 2001. Citations 2
72. On consistency and model validation for systems with parameter uncertainty, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, 2000. Citations 2
73. A comparative study of 7 algorithms for model reduction, S Gugercin, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 2000. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on, 3, Pages 2367-2372, 2000 Citations 45
74. On the choice of inputs in identication for robust control, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Automatica 35 (6), 1009-1031, 1999. Citations 29
75. System approximation in the 2-norm, AC Antoulas, Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, pp. 11-14 , 1999.
76. A new solution of the Lyapunov equation, AC Antoulas, D Sorensen, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 3, 2741-2741, 1999. Citations 1
77. On the assignment of eigenvalues in LTI systems, AC Antoulas, S Gugercin, 1999. Citations 1
78. Approximation of linear dynamical systems, AC Antoulas, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, 403-422, 1999. Citations 63
79. Approximation of linear operators in the 2-norm, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications, vol. 278 (1), pp. 309-316, 1998. Citations 18
80. On identication for robust control, H Zhang, AC Antoulas, Technical Report, ECE, Rice University, 1998. Citations 1
81. On identication for robust control: A summary, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 1998. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on, vol 3, pp. 3402, 1998. Citations 2
82. Optimizing the EV of the data matrix: A case study in non-smooth analysis, AC Antoulas, A Astol, Decision and Control, 1998. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on, vol 3, pp. 3378-3383, 1998. Citations 4
83. System and control theory in the behavioral framework, AC Antoulas, Systems & Control Letters 32 (5), 247-248 , 1997.
84. From identication to robust control in the behavioral framework, AC Antoulas, HP Zhang, Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on, vol. 3, pp. 2034, 1997.
85. On the approximation of Hankel matrices, AC Antoulas, Operators, Systems and Linear Algebra, 17-22, 1997. Citations 3
86. Recursive identication in the behavioral setting: an abstract, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 1996., Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 706, 1996.
87. On the behavioral H control problem: an abstract, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 1996.,Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on, vol. 2, 1838, 1996.
88. A behavioral approach to model reduction, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, 1995., Proceedingsof the 34th IEEE Conference on, vol 1, pp. 490-491, 1995. Citations 1
89. On optimal inputs for identication: A summary, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Decision and Control, 1994., Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on, vol 3, pp. 2886-2887, 1994. Citations 1
90. Nonlinear approach to aircraft tracking problem, RH Bishop, AC Antoulas, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 17 (5), 1124-1130, 1994. Citations 19
91. A new approach to modeling for control, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications 203, 45-65 , 1994. Citations 10
92. 3rd Special Issue on Linear Systems and Control, AC Antoulas, PA Fuhrmann, MLJ Hautus, and Y Yamamoto, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 204, 1-2, 1994.
93. An overview of recent results on deterministic modeling, AC Antoulas, Mathematical Research, vol. 77, page 29, 1994.
94. Special issue on linear systems and control, AC Antoulas, Linear algebra and its applications 205, 206, 1994.
95. On the cascade decomposition of lossless systems, AC Antoulas, M Mansour, Comptes rends de l’Acadmie des sciences. Srie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, astronomie Volume 319, Issue 9, Pages 1001-1008, 1994.
96. Recursive modeling of discrete-time time series, AC Antoulas, Linear Algebra for Control Theory, 1-20, 1994. Citations 36
97. Noise identication in approximate modeling, (in japanese), A.C. Antoulas and Y. Yamamoto, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, SICE vol. 32, pp. 718-722, 1993.
98. Modeling of discrete-time time series: a summary, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on, vol. 3, pp. 2594, 1993.
99. On modeling for control: a summary, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on, vol. 3, pp. 2387-2388, 1993.
100. A behavioral approach to linear exact modeling, AC Antoulas, JC Willems, Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 38 (12), 1776-1802, 1993. Citations 105
101. Recursive modeling of discrete-time time series, AC Antoulas, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, vol. 3 (32), pp. 2594-2594, 1993. Citations 3
102. On exact and approximate modeling of exponential time series, S Weiland, AC Antoulas, Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 1040, 1992.
103. On low-noise modeling: A summary, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Decision and Control, Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 1040, 1992.
104. In Low-Noise Modeling, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1 (31), 1040-1040, 1992. Citations 1
105. On linear modeling and recursive modeling: a summary, AC Antoulas, JC Willems, Decision and Control, 1991., Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on, 1-2, 1991.
106. Linear deterministic realization theory, AC Antoulas, T Mats?o, Y Yamamoto, Mathematical System Theory, 191-212, 1991. Citations 3
107. The solution of the rational interpolation problem: a summary, AC Antoulas, JA Ball, J Kang, JC Willems, Decision and Control, 1990., Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on, 1990.
108. Rational interpolation and state-variable realizations, BDO Anderson, AC Antoulas, Linear Algebra and its Applications 137, 479-509, 1990. Citations 81
109. On the solution of the minimal rational interpolation problem, AC Antoulas, JA Ball, J Kang, JC Willems, Linear Algebra and its Applications 137, 511-573, 1990 Citations 115
110. On minimal realizations: a polynomial approach, AC Antoulas, Systems & Control Letters 14 (4), 319-324 , 1990. Citations 5
111. AC Antoulas, Special Issue Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 137 (138), 479-509, 1990.
112. Minimal rational interpolation and Pronys method, AC Antoulas, JC Willems, Analysis and Optimization of Systes, 297-306, 1990. Citations 14
113. State-space and polynomial approaches to rational interpolation, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Realization and Modelling in System Theory, 73-82, 1990. Citations 18
114. On the problem of stable rational interpolation, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Linear Algebra and its Applications 122, 301-329, 1989. Citations 34
115. The cascade structure in system theory, AC Antoulas, Three decades of mathematical system theory, 1-18, 1989. Citations 4
116. Rational interpolation and the Euclidean algorithm, AC Antoulas, Linear Algebra and its Applications 108, 157-171, 1988 Citations 30
117. A summary of parametrization results on the rational interpolation problem, AC Antoulas, Analysis and optimization of systems, 1064-1068, 1988.
118. Continued-fraction decomposition of linear systems in the state space, AC Antoulas, RH Bishop, Systems & control letters 9 (1), 43-53, 1987. Citations 12
119. Matrix rational interpolation and realization, A Antoulas, BO Anderson, 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1356 , 1987.
120. On recursiveness and related topics in linear systems, AC Antoulas Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on 31 (12), 1121-1135, 1986 Citations 114
121. On the solvability of the general feedback control problem, AC Antoulas, International Journal of Control 44 (5), 1273-1284, 1986. Citations 2
122. On recursiveness and related topics in linear systems: A summary, AC Antoulas, Analysis and Optimization of Systems, 567-573, 1986.
123. A summary of recent results on the scalar rational interpolation problem, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, Analysis and Optimization of Systems, 425-428, 1986. Citations 2
124. On the scalar rational interpolation problem, AC Antoulas, BDO Anderson, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 3 (2-3), 61-88, 1986. Citations 125
125. On the structure of matrix formal power series, and the recursive realization problem, A Antoulas, 1985 24th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1236-1237, 1985.
126. A new approach to synthesis problems in linear system theory, AC Antoulas, IEEE transactions on automatic control 30 (5), 465-473 , 1985. Citations 30
127. On linear systems and partial realizations, AC Antoulas, Analysis and Optimization of Systems, 316-328, 1984.
128. On the design problem for linear systems, AC Antoulas, Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 1-15, 1984.
129. New results on the algebraic theory of linear systems: The solution of the cover problems, AC Antoulas, Linear Algebra and its Applications 50, 1-43, 1983. Citations 25
130. The solution of the input-output cover problems, AC Antoulas, Analysis and Optimization of Systems, 560-573, 1982.
131. The solution of the state-space cover problems, A Antoulas, 1982 21st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 397-401, 1982. Citations 2
132. A system-theoretic approach to the factorization theory of non-singular polynomial matrices, AC Antoulas, International Journal of Control 33 (6), 1005-1026 , 1981. Citations 7
133. The connection between the Sylvester matrix and realization theory, AC Antoulas, Joint Automatic Control Conference, 81, 1981.
134. On canonical forms for linear constant systems, AC Antoulas, International Journal of Control 33 (1), 95-122, 1981. Citations 31
1980 and 1976
135. A polynomial matrix solution of the disturbance localization problem, AC Antoulas, Analysis and Optimization of Systems, 111-124, 1980.
136. Quantum mechanical corrections to the Bloch wall, A Antoulas, R Schilling, W Baltensperger, Volume 18, Issues 1112, May 1976, Pages 1435-1438, Solid State Communications, 1976. Citations 7